Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Women's Health in Pakistan

Due to a number of factors, including its rugged, diverse geography and civil unrest, many communities within Pakistan face severe limitations in their access to medical care. These problems persist outside of rural areas, where travel is often a major limiting factor. Squatter communities, often made up of mixed-nationality, conflict-displaced populations, pose similar challenges through lack of health infrastructure. As a result, Pakistan is plagued with very high rates of maternal mortality, child mortality, and child malnourishment. Additionally, cultural forces have led to under-education and under-employment of women, minimizing both their independence and their ability to advocate for issues disproportionately effecting them. This has also resulted in very few females employed in medical care, and in turn, culturally-driven gender conflicts between largely male health care providers and female patients. The barriers to health care access for women in Pakistan remain significant; thus, women’s independence and empowerment remains limited.

In an effort to address the lack of focus on women’s health issues within local health care systems and, more broadly, within underserved Pakistani communities, GHETS has established a collaboration with Ziauddin Medical University (ZMU) in Karachi and the associated Sikandrabad squatter community, the Women’s Health in Pakistani Squatter Settlements (WHIPSS) program. For five years, ZMU has trained Female Health Volunteers (FHV) who in turn provide information on immunization, breastfeeding, family planning, and control of common childhood diseases to local women through health centers in Sikandrabad. Through this existing network of FHV, WHIPSS is implementing the GHETS Women’s Health Learning Package (WHLP) to bolster the training of this visible, female-friendly healthcare workforce and provide additional training on topics such as violence against women and reproductive/sexual health. Secondly, this collaboration is seeking to partner with other Karachi medical institutions to promote the use of ZMU and GHETS women’s health materials in a more formal medical curriculum. Through this dual focus, WHIPSS provides support for a crucial women’s resource within these settlements, while fostering sensitivity to improving the quality of life for women.

source:Due to a number of factors, including its rugged, diverse geography and civil unrest, many communities within Pakistan face severe limitations in their access to medical care. These problems persist outside of rural areas, where travel is often a major limiting factor. Squatter communities, often made up of mixed-nationality, conflict-displaced populations, pose similar challenges through lack of health infrastructure. As a result, Pakistan is plagued with very high rates of maternal mortality, child mortality, and child malnourishment. Additionally, cultural forces have led to under-education and under-employment of women, minimizing both their independence and their ability to advocate for issues disproportionately effecting them. This has also resulted in very few females employed in medical care, and in turn, culturally-driven gender conflicts between largely male health care providers and female patients. The barriers to health care access for women in Pakistan remain significant; thus, women’s independence and empowerment remains limited.

In an effort to address the lack of focus on women’s health issues within local health care systems and, more broadly, within underserved Pakistani communities, GHETS has established a collaboration with Ziauddin Medical University (ZMU) in Karachi and the associated Sikandrabad squatter community, the Women’s Health in Pakistani Squatter Settlements (WHIPSS) program. For five years, ZMU has trained Female Health Volunteers (FHV) who in turn provide information on immunization, breastfeeding, family planning, and control of common childhood diseases to local women through health centers in Sikandrabad. Through this existing network of FHV, WHIPSS is implementing the GHETS Women’s Health Learning Package (WHLP) to bolster the training of this visible, female-friendly healthcare workforce and provide additional training on topics such as violence against women and reproductive/sexual health. Secondly, this collaboration is seeking to partner with other Karachi medical institutions to promote the use of ZMU and GHETS women’s health materials in a more formal medical curriculum. Through this dual focus, WHIPSS provides support for a crucial women’s resource within these settlements, while fostering sensitivity to improving the quality of life for women.

Due to a number of factors, including its rugged, diverse geography and civil unrest, many communities within Pakistan face severe limitations in their access to medical care. These problems persist outside of rural areas, where travel is often a major limiting factor. Squatter communities, often made up of mixed-nationality, conflict-displaced populations, pose similar challenges through lack of health infrastructure. As a result, Pakistan is plagued with very high rates of maternal mortality, child mortality, and child malnourishment. Additionally, cultural forces have led to under-education and under-employment of women, minimizing both their independence and their ability to advocate for issues disproportionately effecting them. This has also resulted in very few females employed in medical care, and in turn, culturally-driven gender conflicts between largely male health care providers and female patients. The barriers to health care access for women in Pakistan remain significant; thus, women’s independence and empowerment remains limited.

In an effort to address the lack of focus on women’s health issues within local health care systems and, more broadly, within underserved Pakistani communities, GHETS has established a collaboration with Ziauddin Medical University (ZMU) in Karachi and the associated Sikandrabad squatter community, the Women’s Health in Pakistani Squatter Settlements (WHIPSS) program. For five years, ZMU has trained Female Health Volunteers (FHV) who in turn provide information on immunization, breastfeeding, family planning, and control of common childhood diseases to local women through health centers in Sikandrabad. Through this existing network of FHV, WHIPSS is implementing the GHETS Women’s Health Learning Package (WHLP) to bolster the training of this visible, female-friendly healthcare workforce and provide additional training on topics such as violence against women and reproductive/sexual health. Secondly, this collaboration is seeking to partner with other Karachi medical institutions to promote the use of ZMU and GHETS women’s health materials in a more formal medical curriculum. Through this dual focus, WHIPSS provides support for a crucial women’s resource within these settlements, while fostering sensitivity to improving the quality of life for women.


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